I am blessed! I am blessed! I am blessed! I am blessed! I am blessed! I am blessed!I am blessed! I am blessed! I am blessed! I am blessed! I am blessed! I am blessed!
blessed! I am blessed! I am blessed! I am blessed! I am blessed!I am blessed! I am blessed! I am blessed! I am blessed! I am blessed! I am blessed!blessed! I am blessed! I am blessed! I am blessed! I am blessed!I am blessed! I am blessed! I am blessed! I am blessed! I am blessed! I am blessed!blessed! I am blessed! I am blessed! I am blessed! I am blessed!I am blessed! I am blessed! I am blessed! I am blessed! I am blessed! I am blessed!.........................................................................
It could just be the endorphins that are pumping through my veins from my 9 mile run but I really believe that I am blessed.
You see, two days ago I turned a certain age (not to be disclosed), and I was spoiled rotten by friends and family, near and far. A complete 180 degrees from last year's birthday. My hypothesis for last year's shenanigans, or lack of shenanigans, is that our wedding was just 3 months prior to my birthday. People were done thinking about the Haskins for a while. They were run dry of $$ from bridal showers, couple showers, wedding gifts, honeymoon gifts, etc. Therefore, I got the brunt of this "burnout." But friends and family have had a year to recover and they decided to shower me with 'happy birthdays,' cards, gifts, texts, and phone calls. It was an incredible day -- might even be one of the best!
[6:30 am] rise & shine! 30 minutes of pilates, followed by 30 minutes of yoga, followed by 20 minutes of ab workout.
[8:30 am] Craig made me coffee and pumpkin pancakes for breakfast!
[9:45 am] coffee with my good friend Erin at Starbucks! oh how i love and thrive off of fellowship over caffeine :]
[11:20 am] work at the Middle School. Have been working there 2.5 weeks and three people knew who I was to say Happy Birthday!
[1:30 pm] lunch and presents at home with the hubby
[3:30 pm] my mysterious appointment Craig had planned for me was a pedicure at a cute little spa. he remembered me mentioning that my feets needed attention due to all my running.
[5:00 pm] Craig and i stopped to look at a duplex. but don't get too excited we were just humoring ourselves.
[5:30 pm] so, we had reservations at this restaurant called "The Swinging Doors" and we were very excited because we had never been there before AND if you come in on your birthday you get a free steak dinner. we got all dressed up:
Boy were we misfits when we got there. We walked in, took a look around, and then turned around and walked out like we had walked into the wrong place. The atmosphere did not fit our attire. Maybe if we had been wearing cut off tee-shirts, some jeans with holes in it, with a pool cue in hand we would have started to look like we belonged. So, we had to regroup and go back to the drawing board. Where to eat?! We ended up eating at Savory, a nice restaurant on the South Hill.

[8:00 pm] When Craig asked me what I wanted to do for my birthday there was no hesitation when I said SKY HIGH. You see, 2.5 years ago Craig and I went to SKY HIGH in Bellevue for our 6 month dating anniversary. It was then that I completely screwed up my ankle. Ambulance called. Third degree sprain. Crutches. The works! I was determined to go back and conquer - you know - show who's boss. And that is exactly what I did! It felt like I was 10 all over again. Let's just say I was definitely in my element -- a true gymnast at heart!! And we felt the affects the next morning; soreness in the extremities.
[9:00 pm] Craig and I were persuaded to meet up with some of my work friends, one of which shares the same birthday with me. A little last minute celebration for the day and then it was back to our cozy beds where we sacked out until 9:15 am. And that is sleeping in for us!!! SKY HIGH did a number on our bodies! But that surely didn't stop me from running my longest distance ever that day!
My Birthday Twin & ME!
To conclude, I am blessed. It had been a rough two weeks since witnessing a suicide, losing an 8th grader at our school, and just plain 'ol being bummed out. God gave me my birthday just in time! Isn't HIS timing always perfect?! I have such genuine friends who cherish me and love for me all I'm worth! And same goes for my family. As hard as times sometimes get I need to remember that I have the support and encouragement from Godly people. That is sometimes hard for me to remember. A BIG THANK YOU to all who contributed to my special day. Know that I miss each and everyone of you and wish that the 9:45 am coffee date on my birthday could have been with YOU too! :]
Love to all who love me...
Love especially to the love of my life...!