Saturday, November 5, 2011

Reality Strike

So, a good friend once pointed out to me that all the blogs she reads always make her feel like her life is not as good as other people have it.  I thought about it and now believe that this is very true.  As I look around facebook at the statuses and read other blogs that I subscribe to, they always have the most positive spin on life.  Don't get me wrong, I think life is what you make it!  You can look at the dark or bright side of things.  But not everyone's life, all the time, is peachy keen.  And if a blog or status IS posted about something negative, there is usually a positive twist to it.  For example, "I can't stand my life right now! (negative)  But I know God will use this to make me stronger! (positive)"  Is that really what the individual is thinking or telling themselves at the time, or do they just write it to make themselves sound good?  It is hard to tell, but I completely agree that blogs and statuses CAN be used as a cover up.  They can always be used to make the individual feel better about situations they are currently in.  It is easy to write with words what we wish we were feeling or how we wish we could view a situation.  Making sense?  All I know is that I don't want my blog to leave a reader feeling crummy about their own life.  I don't want them walking away thinking, "gosh!  Craig is so good to Megan!  Why can't my husband be like that?"  Because the truth is, Craig and my marriage is probably just as rocky, if not rockier than theirs!  I want my blog to be inspiring and encouraging.  I want it to be an inside to our first few years of marriage -- the ups and downs.  And I challenge myself to not put up anything "spiritual" or profound if it is not genuine.  If I am mad at God, I promise not to post, "I Love God right now!"  :]

Thank you good friend for that insight!

On a different but the same note, that good friend came and surprised me for my birthday!  She showed up on my doorstep a week ago today!  I was beside myself!  She flew here from Oregon to spend the weekend with us.  What a neat surprise!  The only downfall is that her immune system decided it wanted to crash and catch strep throat while she was here.  But she was a trooper!  It kept us from running and walking 100 miles while she was here because God knows that is what we would do!  It was a nice time of relaxation and homemade chicken noodle soup!!!

getting ready to tie die...heck yes...!...

...while Craig is waiting on us hand and foot.
Nonfat Latte Please!  With Foam!

besties for life
till death do us part

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