Saturday, December 31, 2011

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Holy guacamole it's been a while since a blog has been published.  It could be because I haven't wanted to take the time to sit down and write one.  It could also be because Craig and I just got done traveling over 1,000 miles over the holiday break.  Or it could be because I have had no motivation to be inspirational or encouraging to our readers, simply due to life's events that have chosen to take place recently.  I am going to say it is a mixture of all three reasons, with reason number four being that I simply have no clue why I haven't written in such a long time!  We hope that everyone had a blessed time over the Christmas holiday, despite set backs or chaos and stress.  Sometimes it is hard to look past that all to see the real meaning for the season.  It was nice to be reminded of the Christmas story via Christian holiday radio stations, billboards, friends, blogs, and neighbors.  I caught myself with a negative attitude when hearing the famous chorus, "it's the most wonderful time of the year.  it's the hap, happiest season of all!"  As many times as I've heard that song and sung to the tune when it hits the radio, it created a bitterness in me this year.  Not because I wasn't happy or joyful but because this holiday can be emotionally or physically hard for some people.  Loved ones lost, families torn, friendships broken, and materials stolen [my heart goes out to you Mom & Molly].  I can think of other times throughout the year that were "hap happier."  But I am learning that attitude and heart break are what you make of it.  Do I chose to dwell in my sorrows and cry "woe to me" to my husband all the time or do I look toward the future and anticipate what God will do with unfortunate situations?  Shamefully, I venture toward the first response.  My poor husband! 

Our Christmas was very merry though!  We had a wonderful day with my Mom, Craig's mom Marian, and the Issaquah Smiths!  It was low key with the occasional plop on the couch to catch scenes of Ralphie in "The Christmas Story." 

Santa was good to us.  She got us beautiful new items for our house and I got a sweet rain gear running outfit, running pants, and a running shirt!  I think I'm set.  And mini Santa Molly got us an outdoor fire pit for our new backyard!  Everyone is welcome to come enjoy it!

We got to spend time with his side of the family and my side equally; with a quaint 1-night stay in his Mom's newly redone guest room and a luxurious 5-night stay at my Mom's.  We attended a crazy Hoffman family Christmas party and a smaller, yet still as crazy, Haskins family Christmas party.  We saw family near and far with little time to visit with friends.

"Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” john 16:33

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