Sunday, March 23, 2014

Eat, Pray, Run

I stole the title of this post from the title of my sissy's blog...

Eat - Pray - Run: These are the only three things keeping me alive, functioning, and going forward right now. I had a friend text me the verse Romans 5:8 last night with the quote, "I loved you at your darkest," which was incredibly encouraging and a beautiful reminder of God's love and sovereignty.

So I'm not trying to write a depressive blog post but if I kept things hunky dory all of the time I'd be lying -- and I feel that bloggers, instagramers, tweeters, facebookers, etc., ONLY post about how amazing their life is. Read this blog post from 11.5.2011 --> Reality Strike

Anyways, now that I've defended my gloomy disposition....I would add one more word to my blog title. Eat, Pray, Run, Study

EAT - eat coincides with run as run coincides with eat. they are one in the same and fuel each other in a love/hate type relationship. i love food but don't like how food looks on me so i run. and i run because i love food and want to eat it without fear. craig and i find our best conversations, memories, and laughs over dinners out - trying new local places - grabbing a drink at a local bistro. if i stop to think about it, it seems like all of life revolves around eating. three meals a day. what's for dinner? where should we go for lunch? day after day after day after day...

PRAY - keeps the eat and run balanced. my soul finds rest in God alone. in Him i find the strength to do the impossible. i am blessed by Him to be able to eat, study, and run. prayer is a time of complete vulnerability and transparency. it is the time i can be "me" without judgement. i don't pray enough.

RUN - miles and miles have been put on my feet (approx. 3,000). my very first run? 2006? 8 years of wind in my hair (or a gym fan). what's the difference between running and praying? prayer takes me a lot farther than any mile can carry me. but i run to keep the spirits up, to keep the core strong, brain smart, heart thumping, and mind clear. i run to eat as i eat to run.

STUDY - my temporary life as a grad student. however, i hope to always always be a student. i'll never gain enough knowledge, for there will always be something to read, write, and listen to.

my head and heart are in a tough place right now. i still eat, pray, run, and study...but currently do it routinely & habitually. therefore, romans 5:8 is what we, as a couple, are hanging on to. PRAISE to the Lord that this week is spring break :) breaks are good and so needed in times as these.

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