Monday, November 25, 2013

A Season of Thankfulness

Yes, it is the week of Thanksgiving.
Yes, everything around me is pointing towards HOW TO BE THANKFUL. 
Yes, this past week's sermon was on contentment, satisfaction, and thankfulness. 
Yes, my devotional, Jesus Calling, has redundantly been about an attitude of gratitude. 
But it extends beyond this one week out of the year, just like Christmas and the story of Christ's birth extends beyond December 25th (Shocking! I know!). 
But I appreciate this week serving as a reminder and a kick-start to becoming more thankful. 
It isn't easy. 
How can I be thankful for what is going on in my life right now? 
Let me redirect you to my recent post, The Blessings Abound. There is A LOT to be thankful for. 

This is a tough season for my family and me, but it has united us, strengthened the bonds we have with each other, and created a renewed love and passion for life! Right now, as I am being constantly reminded to BE THANKFUL, I can't help but be grateful. I force a smile on my face because eventually it turns into something genuine and authentic. Take a moment every hour of every day to "shout out" something you are thankful for. And take this habit beyond Thursday, into Black Friday (err....that might be hard), and there on! I am not a woman of great strength. In fact, I am a woman of great weakness. But the one thing that remains constant is my relationship with the one who crafted me. That in itself is something to be thankful for.

So, go home.

Hug your husband/wife.

Text your Mom.

Email your Dad.

FaceTime with your sister/brother/dog.

Let them know you are thinking about them and are grateful for their friendship.

And then Skype with Jesus ;-)

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!  Now that's funny!

It's always fun to link POSTS FROM THE PAST!
So here is one for ya --> Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

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