Thursday, March 29, 2012

Post From the Past - 9/25/11

So I thought it would be fun to bring back old posts every now and see growth, change, and to smile in a way I used to's smile comes from September 25th, 2011
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"In a blink they are all gone, all of them.  The past week was surely a highlight of the summer.  Molly set up camp right in the middle of our living room and lived out of two duffel bags.  Our futon became her bed and a simple drying rack became her shelving unit, where she decided to nicely store her clothes.  It was great fun…until it ended Friday.  She pretty much hitchhiked her way to Spokane, with a short pit stop at the Gorge to watch the Zac Brown Band play.  She arrived Sunday with a smile on her face, some fudge in her hands, and a list of “Spokane to do’s.”  Unfortunately, I had to work most days she was in town, but once I clocked off I was ready to play! 

Monday 9.19.11
Bright and early = 6.2 mile run in the sun!  I had already committed to work until 4 that day but soon was able to go to Zola’s for happy hour!  Yum!  Hummus platters, blue cheese sweet potato fries, salmon swimmers, $1 beers, and a cheap tab!!!  We eventually drove over to give Molly a quick tour of Moody Bible Institute and then it was straight back to the apartment to put on our comfies to watch The Jones’ (sorry Dad we watched it without you).

Tuesday 9.20.11
Bright and early = a workout at the gym!  I had already committed to work until 9 pm so it was all fun and games for Molly trying to learn the Spokane bus system to get her busy little self around town!  She missed the first bus due to her lack of following directions but eventually she made it downtown to see Gonzaga friends!  Bedtime came real quick after I got off work.

Wednesday 9.21.11
Bright and early = no run = work at 7:30am.  I raced home around 11 to spend the rest of the day with Molly!  We re-energized with a pit stop at our local java hut and then hit up some apple picking and tractor riding at the local farm, Greenbluff.  I bought 18 apples.  I don’t know how many Molly picked.  But we definitely couldn’t dilly-dally around the farm because Craig was expecting Molly’s famous enchiladas when he got home from work.  YUM!  Check out my recipe page to see how easy it is…
The night didn’t end there!  We decided to indulge at the local frozen yogurt bar and then we were ready to turn in.

Thursday 9.22.11
Bright and early = I worked out at the gym all alone!  I had already committed to work until 4 but soon after met up with Molly and Marissa to run the Flying Irish!  What is the Flying Irish, you ask?  It is a 5k that is run by 300+ people every Thursday.  They leave from the local Irish Pub and run a different 5k route weekly.  If you run it 6 times you get a t-shirt and 50% off all pub fare after the races.  Race #1….complete!  To make up for the calories we had burned we stopped in at our favorite restaurant downtown, Steelhead.  Blue cheese fries, crab and artichoke dip, portabella mushroom burger, a regular burger, and two schooners covered the table.  Our calorie intake was met.  Success.

Friday 9.23.11
Bright and early = no run = work at 7:30am.  I raced home around 11 to spend the last few hours with Molly.  We ate some leftovers and then decided our time together needed to commemorate at Costco.  Well, I guess that is a white lie because we ended at Ultimate Bagel so that Molly could check off the last thing on her “To Do in Spokane” list…eat a bagel at Ultimate.  Check.  I then unwillingly drove her to Marissa’s so that she could hitchhike back to Federal Way.  Afterward, I sluggishly walked to the gym to run off my sorrows and sadness.

But our week/weekend didn’t end there…No way!

Saturday 9.24.11
After a 2 hour membership class at church, a hardcore workout, and a BBQ at Craig’s professor’s house, we met up with Steve & Shannon Van Dyken (Steve is Craig’s BFF and was his groomsman at the alter).  They stayed at my place of employment, The Spokane Club!  We visited briefly and then headed home to enjoy some time alone.

Sunday (TODAY!!!)
We attended both services at church today because Craig and I had the privilege of being introduced to the congregation.  Craig is the new High School Youth Group Intern at Northview Bible Church, so we were called up front to have people come lay hands on us and pray over us.  It was a very neat experience and a welcoming introduction to our year of service at Northview.  After twice the amount of holiness we went out to lunch with Steve & Shannon and then flipped on the Seahawks as we played a rousing 3.5 hour game of Phase 10.  Our time together concluded about an hour ago at the local frozen yogurt bar where we said our goodbyes and watched Craig cry over the loss of his BFF.  We are now sitting at the Whitworth University library.  I must say it looks like Craig is working on homework but I bet he is really thinking about me…ahhhh…true love."

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