Monday, April 16, 2012

What I Wish

Some of what I wish for:

· that length of sleep didn't affect mood/energy- sleep is necessary and sleep is good!  the moment my alarm goes off I dream of the moment I get to climb back in bed.  but sometimes I wish that no matter how much sleep I got, whether it be too much or too little, didn't affect my energy, joy, patience, exercise, irritability, and relationships.  I wish that the simple discipline of getting myself into bed each night was enough to get me through the next day, instead of it being based on HOW MUCH sleep I got. so, I am at work and I begin to think to myself, "hmmm...I sure am getting impatient can't be lack of sleep because I got an hour of it last night!  it must be something else...” wouldn’t that be nice?  the only consequences, the next day, would come only if I didn't sleep at all.  even if just for 5 minutes, I would be refreshed!  That way I could stay up all night, snuggling with Craig, writing blogs, counting pennies, or doing whatever, all night long as long as I got myself into bed to charge like a Duracell battery for AT LEAST 5 minutes.  
· that all chocolate was dark chocolate - self explanatory?  maybe to those of you who are SUPER health conscious but a sugar neurotic like me!  I LOVE, am in love, with dark chocolate.  yes, it is bitterer but the taste just melts in my mouth and does not leave a coating of sugar like milk chocolate does. all chocolate: white, milk, swirl, organic, nonfat, blah blah blah, should be magically transformed into dark! yumm!  yumm!  :]
· women didn't have to be fearful of the scale - i really think this wish speaks for itself.  some women are a-okay with stepping on that dreaded pounds hot plate, others, not so much.  i fall into the "others not so much" category.  what I would give to not care about the number on that hot plate!!!'s not about the's about how you feel, muscle, body fat, and what you put into your body!  hello!  why are scales even needed?!  if my wish came true scales would not exist.  instead, there would be a machine you stepped on that told you whether you are eating too much fats and sugars, if you've worked out hard enough, and a personal message to brighten your mood!  heck yes...put that on the market please!
· all cats be turned into dogs - i think my number one reason for this wish is the mere fact that i am deathly allergic to cats!  yikes!  plus they are moody, cranky, have an "i don't need humans" disposition, walk all over your car, hiss at you, scratch your furniture...scratch your face!!!, pee on your stove when they are mad at you, bring you dead animals, and sometimes kill dogs.  boo.  turn them all into cute puppies.
· genuine friendships - i have these, i truly do.  i have a small handful of friends that i can say have been pure, genuine, and gracious to me for years.  however, i wish all friendships could be as genuine as these.  i get so tired of surfaced relationships due to dishonesty, white lies, etc.  i also wish that ALL of my closest friends could be within radius of me at all times.  why is it that they are all over the world?!  literally!  alabama!  oregon!  western washington!  switzerland!  london!  oh please oh please move to spokane :] 
· transparency - don't be fake!  i despise fakeness.  in fact i despise it so much sometimes i appear fake.  i LOVE sitting down with a friend for coffee and finding out their life story.  i LOVE seeing a close friend struggle through trials and be real about it.  i LOVE to witness joy through others' eyes.  i LOVE to belly laugh out in public without caring.  i LOVE being able to share my hurts and greatest fears.  people just don't ask me.  but if someone asks i will try my best to be transparent with them.  who knows if my clarity could help them through a similar situation?  you never know until you share, open up, and encourage.  yes...i am a hypocrite as i write this wish.  if you were to ask my husband if i am an easy egg to crack he would laugh in your face.  "megan, how's your day?"  "good"  "what did you do today?"  "worked, worked out, worked"  "awesome, same as every day."  Craig and I fall on our knees daily that my heart will soften to openness.  However, i LOVE to hear about others.  i am an incredible listener.  i love to cry with friends and discover their strengths and weaknesses with them...if they allow me to.  i guess it's good that i am going into school counseling!
· true faith – my wish is for those who believe it to live it and walk the walk they talk.  go out of your way to show others you are relying on Him.  if He leads you down a narrow path...grab His hand and go with Him.  be true to your faith.

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