Friday, May 16, 2014

Dear Mom...

Dear Mom,

Today is your service, in 4 hours. I couldn’t sleep last night at all and kept having dreams that I was late. It’s an awful feeling to know that today is the second day I’ve been anticipating for a year and a half – the first day being the day we lost you.

I’m grateful for the 28 years we did have together. I wish we could have had 28 more but know I will get to spend eternity with you.

Molly and I have worked so hard to put together a beautiful “Celebration of Life” for you. There will be some tears and tissues though, sorry, that is something we can’t control. Craig worked laboriously on a slide show that I have yet to view. I wanted to wait until today to see it...but we made sure to include the poem you picked out…and I think you will like the fun surprise your siblings put together.

My heart is still hurting, Mom. Usually when my heart hurts this badly I call you just to hear your voice, but I can’t do that anymore. I’ve got to learn to be strong and stand on my own two feet now. You have left me with some stellar qualities though that will reflect your spirit. However, I can’t guarantee strength today. Today you need to let me cry, Mom. Today you need to let me mourn and be sad that I’ve lost my only mother. I know that tears scare you but today they are justified. So instead of disregarding my grief, wipe my tears for me. Hold my hand. Hold me and let me feel your motherly warmth.

Today we celebrate you. We celebrate your life – your 55 years – your smile – your character – your heart – your friendships – your compassion – your family – your giving nature – your faith.

“I love you with all of my heart and always will.”


1 comment:

  1. Send you and Molly so much love today Megan. I wish I could be there to celebrate the life of an INCREDIBLE woman with you today. Feel all the feelings and cry as many tears as you need to!! "know I will get to spend eternity with you." - so true and so incredible. Love you guys and am thinking about you xo
