Saturday, November 14, 2015

Happy Place?

People always say..."go to your happy place." When anxious, scared, or nervous, get out of your current thinking and slip into that one place that makes you happy. What in the world does this even mean?!

Well, the other day someone suggested thinking of that one place that is always perfect when there. I sat and truly couldn't think of anywhere. Sure a typical answer would be "on the beach in Hawaii," or "on top of a mountain." Mmmmmm.....

It took me about five minutes, and with the help of a therapist I was able to think of one magical spot and then instructed to write about it, describing it in detail. Those of you who have experienced Gilead may appreciate this narrative.

"At camp there is a road that leads out towards town, winding into some back roads before actually hitting town. As I round the first corner (early in the morning) I see a thick layer of fog that has settled at almost eye level. The air is cool and crisp. 

To the right of the road is the river, not really rushing because it's all dried up for the summer. 

To the left of the road there are horses, out galloping in the pasture - almost as if they are out for their morning run as well. Sometimes there are foals out with their mothers, learning the ways of the morning fog, sometimes I see them still in the barn sleeping. 

It is just the horses and me and the river up this early, but it soothes and comforts the soul. There is a quiet energy around me and an excitement for the day. 

This is ultimately one of my favorites spots on Earth."

It is easy to slip into a pattern, or rather a spiral, downward of negative thoughts, unnecessary fleeting thoughts, and thinking of this spot - or others similar - and describing them in detail to myself or someone else is a great way to escape for a minute.

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things." Philippians 4:8

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