Friday, July 10, 2015

The Power of Choosing

(artwork credit: a.m.)

Life is truly what YOU choose to make of it.


If I can credit my first therapist with anything it is that she pounded the idea that everything is a choice. Okay, to clarify though, circumstantially not everything is a choice, however, every response to a circumstance, an action, what you dwell on or don't dwell on is a choice. That is a choice.

The past six years has been one big cluster f*ck of hardship after hardship. I feel like my last "normal" was in 2008. And I will admit that I chose to dwell on every event. It's hard to not let something so earth shattering destroy you, but after the shock settles the weight falls on what you choose to do with the situation. How do you respond? Which thoughts that pass through your mind do you choose to believe, dwell and ruminate on? Which thoughts that pass through your mind do you tell to continue passing through? All of them or none of them? This was and still is sometimes a hard concept for me to grasp. What fueled my eating disorder was dwelling on lies that ED and the devil told me about myself regarding my situations. I believed I was worthless. I believed my worth was validated when I was skinny. I believed I was fat and unlovable unless skinny. I believed that my life was destroyed because my family had been temporarily destroyed. I'm learning that what I CHOSE to believe resulted in the negative and destructive behaviors. I have to choose truth, which is that Christ made me perfect and that I am perfectly imperfect and if I'm following His path for me than His will be done.

This concept is easier said than done. I was having a conversation with a dear friend of mine last night and it just got me thinking hard about how powerful choice is. I have a huge gold star from my therapist with just that word written on it: CHOICE. Daily I have to choose recovery, choose health, wellness, and happiness for myself and my family. When things aren't going as planned I have to choose to be faithful to Christ and what He has planned for me.

Read this article on the correlation between scripture and choice. It can be one of the most powerful tools we carry inside ourselves. Choose today to make healthy choices - mentally, physically, and spiritually. And when it doesn't seem easy to choose, reach out and ask for support in how to make the best decisions.

Daily in the Word

Signing out and hoping you choose to have a fantastic day :)


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