Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I needed some inspiration for this blog post, so I decided to chose a picture of a place that is near and dear to my heart: Pioneer Hall, home of my freshman year at Linfield.

Let's just say that that was a year to remember and cherish in a unique way.  You couldn't pay me a kajillion dollars to redo that year but I wouldn't have done anything differently either.  I remember getting my room assignment shortly into the summer after I graduated HS and having my jaw hit the floor when I saw not one, not two, but three names under ROOMMATES FOR 2005-2006.  I panicked!  Are most colleges like this?  In movies and TV shows it is usually just one other roommate and they have bunkbeds and their rooms are messy, while they become best of friends and never disagree.  Harsh reality, my life was not about to become a TV show.  However, two out of my three roommates did become some of my best friends, one of which I roomed with for the next three years. 

The course load that year was "hard," which then made me change the description of my senior year course load to "suicidal."  But I had to learn on my own that I couldn't skip class because of a hang nail or eat 4 slices of pizza and ice cream just because it's available.  But I enjoyed every minute of exploring the freedom God granted me - to make the decisions I wanted to make.  I am pretty sure the first week I had Wendy's food three times and didn't go to bed until 11pm.  That year brought lots of immature laughs though that are so fun to look back on.  When can I slide down a set of stairs on a mattress again and get away with it?

The only downfall of my Linfield career was that Craig only got to experience one year of it with me...and that was at a another state.  And by my senior year I would say I was making healthier, less stupid decisions.  So he didn't get to experience that at all.  But what makes me even happier than if we were to share a Linfield background is that we do share a Camp Gilead background.  Our jokes, memories, and laughs stem from that crazy place.  We saw each other every summer and now know that God was growing us separately throughout the school year.  But don't worry, Craig has seen pictures of my freshman experience and I have walked him through campus many times...holding hands :]
the end.

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