Wednesday, January 13, 2016

What I've Learned


This has been no easy road by any means. We found out July 9th we were eight days later found out that there are three!!! July 17th was a day of panic and shock. We went through what closely reflected the grief cycle:

- Denial: "No way. Doctor misread what he saw on the ultrasound. We will go back in next week to find out there is only one or two."

- Anger: "No way! This can't be happening. We did NOT sign up for this! I hope one selectively reduces itself! This is nuts and a situation we can't handle!"

- Depression: "No way. This is really hard. I'm not worthy enough. I'm not capable enough. I'm not equipped. The sun shouldn't be shining because I can't smile about what is to come."

- Bargaining: "No way, God. We were only going for one! If you allow the doctor to have misread what he saw I will make sure to do EVERYTHING perfectly during pregnancy. If you can do this for us, God, we will try to be the best parents ever."

- Acceptance: "No way is God going to change his mind. Well, guess we better buck up and start planning the heck out of our future. First thing to cross off the list - buy a mini van! Here we go!"

So, there was only a little anger, for we were elated to just be pregnant, but there was definitely the bargaining with God, slight depression over grieving the ONE we wanted, and finally coming to a stage of acceptance. It is what it is and, well, we have to go with it. God doesn't give us more than we can handle. Dang. We've been given a lot! It's been such a test of faith and we have already been more than blessed by family and friends around us and we haven't even had the trips yet!

I was thinking the other day about everything I've learned while being pregnant. Some things humorous while other things are deeper matter. Here is the insight I've gleaned while growing three tiny humans:
  1. Your belly literally does just POP overnight.
    • It's true. Look at the evidence...something crazy happened between weeks 21 & 22! 
  2. Cravings and aversions don't present themselves to every woman. I had none.
    • NONE!
  3. Morning sickness should be called morning, noon, and night sickness! All day sickness.
  4. Leg shaving becomes the hardest task of the day (if women choose to make it a task at all).
    • I seriously have to plan my day around it. Sometimes I'm using small mirrors to help me get to places you just can't see. I've been told to just become a hairy beast during pregnancy and to give up! I WILL NOT GIVE UP! I will conquer my legs weekly.
  5. Eating is miserable.
    • There is no pleasure or joy in eating. The babies have taken up all possible space in my belly that the food just sits on top and makes me miserable. I'm telling you, a cheese stick puts me over the top most of the time.
  6. I should have reverted back to the coil/spiral shoe laces that I had as a kid.
  7. #YOLO
  8. No matter how much oil or lotion you put on it's impossible to avoid those annoying little red marks.
    • Sorry to break it to you ladies.
  9. Don't avoid caffeine. That's just stupid.
    • But keep it under 250mg of caffeine.
  10. You learn more than you ever have about what you are sensitive over.
    • Some days the littlest things make me cry. Other days I am pondering some of life's biggest questions and journaling up a storm. 
  11. Some sips of beer don't hurt.
    • The tasters at restaurants make for perfect portions ;)
  12. You can never eat too much.
    • Because most likely you ain't eating enough for FOUR.
  13. Preggo brain IS a real thing. Your brain actually shrinks during pregnancy and doesn't fully restore itself until 6 months after birth.
  14. Strangers won't believe you at first when you tell them your pregnant with triplets. It takes at least two times.
  15. You get ultrasounds every two weeks.
    • vs. the one or two ultrasounds you get (in total) with a single baby.
  16. What falls on the floor usually stays on the floor.
  17. The smallest things become a chore, such as loading the dishwasher. 
    • Let the husband do it all - and if he argues, pull the "but I think i'm having a contraction!"
  18. It's impossible to keep trips to the bathroom at night under three times.
    • I think I average 5-7.
  19. Your therapist will become your best friend.
    • Oh praise the Lord for her! Twice a week, every week, she gets dumped on and reminds me of WHY I'm doing what I'm doing and that though I feel like I'm going crazy I'm experiencing normal feelings. So grateful for her - she is almost as important as my OB!
  20. Your best friends will become your waiters and waitresses.
  21. Your waiters and waitresses won't even ask you if you'd like anything else to drink other than water!
I'm sure I've learned a plethora of other things but that's what I have for being 7 months into it. Will try to update and keep you all posted as the time draws closer. I have a scheduled c-section for 36 weeks on February 16th! That is the ultimate goal but after a bit of a scare today and a 5 hour endeavor at the hospital - being hooked up to monitors (for babies heart rates and to monitor my contractions) - they could come any day. Think I'll be packing my hospital bag tomorrow :)

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