Craig and I are about to embark on an incredible journey...the journey of starting a family. It has been our heart's desire and passion to become a Mom and Dad. We are going on five years of marriage and purposefully decided to wait a while until we felt the timing was right. We moved to Spokane after getting married in 2010. Craig started at Moody Bible Institute while I picked up three jobs to keep the apartment's lights on. It was my pleasure to do this so Craig could finish up his 4-year degree...but the pleasure didn't last long. I got antsy. I wanted to go back to school the day Craig graduated. "My turn?" I asked Craig. I knew this would prolong our plans to have children but knew that our solo time together and our desires of completing education were priority.
Now...4.5 years later...we try to begin a family. Craig and I have gone through the lowest of lows and the highest of highs and feel as if we could conquer Everest if thrown at us now. Well...welcome to our Everest. Starting a family has not come easily. As noted in a previous post, our chances of getting pregnant on our own are slim to none. Thus, with lots of prayer and consultation, we begin the IVF (in vetro fertilization) process...tomorrow. TOMORROW! My heart is doing flips and somersaults in anticipation of what is to come. It feels like I'm sitting in the calm before the storm. I've been through the 2-hour self-injection training, we've consulted with the doctor for hours, we've done test after test, I've endured a hysterscope (btw NOT FUN) and a mock transfer, and the box of meds that maxed out one of our credit cards arrived two days ago.

Can you say pharmacy? This makes me nervous...especially if you know how I do not do well with needles. Well...three injections a day and blood draws every other I come! Balls to the walls! Our hearts ache for a baby (babies?) and I can't wait for the day we get to bring him or her home. The day will come, for God is faithful and will carry us through this hurdle as He has with every other hurdle.
Tomorrow is day one of thirty. I'm making a change for the better during these next thirty days. I'm hopping off Facebook for my own sanity so that I can't be brought down by pregnancy announcements or births as I scroll through my news feed. This is OUR journey and I can't compare it to that of anyone else's. I will check FB messages but won't be on it any other time. As well, I am giving up intense cardio and trading it in for 30-minute walks with Petey. The gym would be playing with fire, for I can't get my heart rate above 140. I commit my time in the morning (since I can't go into work until 8am due to 7am injections, lab draws, and ultrasounds) to quiet studies, meditation, prayer, and encouraging conversations. My mindset is focused and I have to do this for baby H. Following my meal plan is a must because it isn't about me anymore. There is absolutely no room for ED (my eating disorder) and will be in constant contact with my therapist and dietitian at the Emily Program.
We appreciate the flood of prayers and support as we embark on this emotional journey. Yes, my hormones are going to be tampered with A LOT, so hang tight my friends...this is only the door has closed and another has opened. We are so blessed by those around us and by the reproductive specialist that has taken us under his wing.