My husband Craig and I had a very pleasant weekend.
pleasant: pleasing
, agreeable, or enjoyable; giving
I have given you a definition above just so you can get a real feel for how our weekend was. I got a running start into the weekend by working 4:30 mornings Thursday and Friday. It just better prepared me to gear up for my alarm going off at 3:30am this week, Monday - Friday! It's not as bad as I thought it was going to be. I am definitely a morning person. The second my alarm sounds I am up and ready to go! Of course a cup of coffee is necesarry within the first 30 minutes to keep the energy streak going. I race up the steep hill with my mace in hand to make sure I get the doors open to the gym by 4:30 (and there are members already there waiting for me!) Now it is a race against the clock to get enough coffee made and to keep enough coffee made :] My first morning I was unprepared. I only had one regular pot and one decaf with no backups ready to go. Crankiness struck! So, day two, I was proactive! Two pots on the counter and two backups!

Friday evening Craig and I got to go see Toy Story 3 on ice at the arena. We were surrounded by children [not to mention a pedophiles dream come true]. We felt out of place that we didn't have our own with us. But, nonetheless, it was very entertaining.
Moving right along. Saturday was a lazy day, despite my 6 mile run I got in :] We got a lot accomplished -- including Christmas shopping, cards addressed, kitchen and bathroom cleaned! We ended our day with some frozen yogurt and a stop into Carter's (a baby clothing store). How I got my husband to go in with me...I'll never know! One of the baby snow suits just swallowed me whole! May the Lord bless me with small children because I am not too big myself.
these two outfits below are for Molly's first baby girl...!
Sunday, we got our church in, grocery shopping done, more Christmas gifts purchased, and a pizza made!!! We also attempted to attend a Sunday night service at a church down south we enjoy. We thought it started at 5:30, so with a 30 minute drive we were pushing it to get there on time. We fly into the parking lot and race into the sanctuary. Scooting and pushing our way to the middle of a pew, we sit down to discover that service started at 5:00 and they were well into the message. So, without hesitation, we scooted and pushed our way out of the pew and drive home. Gas wasted! We laughed so hard! Instead, we got to go home and play with our new gadget, an airpop popcorn popper!
Now it's 3:30am Monday through Friday.
Oh joy!