Thursday, July 28, 2011

One Year Anniversary...51 more...

I write in red to symbolize love...

Sunday, July 24th, was our one year anniversary.  One year since we said "I do," one year since our public commitment to friends, family, & God, one year ago I got away with wearing an all white dress and orange Keds, and had the excuse to have 8 of my best friends standing behind me.  When I think back on that day it doesn't seem like it was a year ago, but when I think about all we have been through and where we are feels longer than a year.  Are they all supposed to go this fast?  Sure hope not!  

We were blessed with a family friend's condo for four days in Crescent Bar.  They were the most amazing four days since the first four days of being born - way better than that.  Even better than our 7 day honeymoon in the paradise of Waikiki, HI (Honolulu).  Why?  Because we know each other even better than we did in Hawaii.  I know his laugh better, his quirks, and his smile better.  And with each year it is just supposed to keep getting better?  Closer to each other?  I believe it!  We laughed so hard we cried this past weekend, we joked and were carelessly carefree.  We didn't have a worry, other than what SPF we should be putting on in the blazing hot heat.  

Craig's top 6 things he learned about me this past weekend:

1. Sometimes I do like to not do anything
2. I like oysters & clams
3. I do get into a cold pool - willingly
4. I can be beaten at PHASE 10
5. My hair gets blonder in the sun
6. It is possible to have a triple layer tan one (one from my tank top, one from my swim suit, one from my sports bra)

Megan's top 6 things she learned about Craig:

1. He can learn to use any type of grill...ghetto or posh
2. He can make a mean "one-pot seafood platter"
3. He sucks at PHASE 10
4. He doesn't like to lay out in the sun for very long...he gets bored
5. He has a wicked tennis arm
6. He laughs harder at me than himself

We celebrated our wedding day in various ways.  One of which was by watching our ceremony on their big projector screen.  We considered standing in front of the screen to hold hands and renew our vows as we say our vows in the video - but decided that was some sort of cheating.  We also busted out the top layer of our wedding cake that had been in the freezer the past year.  And honestly, IT WAS STILL AMAZING!  Lastly, we sat and read through all of our wedding cards we had received.  Pretty much Craig hadn't seen any of them because as I received them at my Mom's house I would open them, read them, and put them away.  Let's just say that anyone who sent us cheesy or corny cards (or are just a really good friend for that matter) there was "CRAIG COMMENTARY" to follow.  We laughed so hard we cried.

To see more photos you can view our Pictures on Facebook

Megs & Craig Skins

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